Vegetable Fritters

These fritters are packed with colorful summer flavors and can be eaten for any meal of the day. They also make a quick and easy addition to your next potluck because everyone loves a fritter!

1 cup corn, freshly cut off the cob, husk scraped (about 2 ears)

1 cup shredded zucchini

½ cup shredded carrot

½ cup finely chopped peppers

½ cup finely chopped onion

1 garlic clove, minced

1 Tbsp each of your favorite fresh herbs. I used purple basil, fennel, and parsley

¼ cup cornmeal

½ cup flour

½ tsp baking powder

2 eggs

Salt and pepper

Mix all of the vegetables, herbs, and eggs in a large bowl. Mix the dry ingredients in a second bowl and gently fold into the vegetable mixture. Add a nice amount of freshly cracked pepper and some salt.

Heat a large skillet to medium heat. Melt a bit of oil or butter in the pan and scoop the fritter batter by ¼ cup spoonfuls into the hot pan. Lightly press them into a circle shape and fry evenly on both sides. Once each batch is done, allow them to cool on a paper towel laid over a cooling rack.

These can be served in many different ways; or taken as a side dish to your next potluck! For lunch, I rested them on top of a bed of fresh arugula with chopped tomatoes and then drizzled everything with balsamic vinegar.

~ Recipe and Photos by Meghan Feilmeier

Follow Meg on Instagram @meghan_moves and @meghan_feilmeier_photo